About Me!
About Me! *
Hiya, I’m Betty and I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m a recovering academic with an interdisciplinary PhD in history and film. My thesis tried to evaluate how film can function as a means of shaping historical knowledge in the public, specifically in the context of national myth. As interesting (or not) as that might sound, the demands of academic life were too much for me.
I’m still insatiably curious and obsessed with the intersections of art, culture, history, and politics but I’m also tired and weary. I love reading books and watching movies and my only real ambition is to read and watch as much as I can before my time runs out. I am constantly anxious that time is running out.
I have lots of thoughts and I guess this is my attempt to get them out. If you’re also a tired but wired girly then this might be for you. See what you think.